Thank you for landing on this page and for your interest in finding out more about my coaching offerings.

In your coaching sessions, I combine tools and techniques that I have learnt over a decade. Whether you are wanting to achieve a personal or business goal, creating accountability, or breakthrough from limitations that may be holding you back in your life, I am here to support you. I support and assist you in working with your unconscious which is like a big iceberg. You have your conscious which is the tip of the iceberg, however the unconscious is everything that is underneath which makes up more than 90% of what we do. You may have tried to do things in the past over and over again but fall back into old patterns, that is because you are working with the conscious mind. In our sessions we work with the unconscious, finding what is underneath it all and creating LASTING change. Each session is customised to you working on goals personally and professionally, working through emotions, trauma, major life challenges, anxiety, fears etc. All sessions are held with kindness, compassion, patience, and love. We find out where you are in your life currently, and build a bridge that is solid and stable to get you to where you want to be, clearing anything that is holding you back and building on the amazing resources you have within you or may not have at that moment in time.

You may be asking yourself “is coaching for me?

Life is like a beautiful garden, and over time things can get in the way for the garden to thrive. We all have our own garden which needs tending to, but over the years our gardens become overgrown, with weeds beginning to sprout and overtake our sanctuary. These weeds may be limiting beliefs, past wounds or experiences, or anything that takes you away from your healthiest, thriving self. In your session, I assist you to find the root of these weeds, to pull them out, and plant beautiful new plants in its place, allowing the garden to flourish once again. In these sessions we focus on getting to the root cause of limitations in your life, removing them and then giving you the tools and focusing on where you want to be and where you want to go, gifting you the ability to transform yourself and create the best version of you!

A common thing I hear from clients is “I wish I did this earlier”, “I wish more people knew about this”. You can always wait until tomorrow, but now is the most powerful moment of all. Now you have the opportunity to start creating the life of freedom, joy, love, abundance, and health you have been dreaming of.

Be the change you want to see in the world!

~ Gandhi

When we start by changing ourselves, we create a beautiful ripple effect on the world around us. Our loved ones, family, friends, work colleagues and people we come in contact with either directly or indirectly, reap the benefits and get inspired to do the same, it is truly incredible.

The modalities used in your sessions are focused on bringing connection and oneness with the mind, body, and spirit, helping you to connect to your own inner guidance. With years’ experience of supporting beautiful souls on their journey, as well as years of studying various eastern and western techniques and modalities including NLP (neuro linguistic programming) at the Master and Coaching Level, Hypnotherapy, Timeline Therapy, Numerology, Higher-Self, Business Mastery, Touch For Health Kinesiology, Reiki II, Crystal Dreaming, Kundalini Yoga, Meditative Techniques plus many others, I have been able to serve and continue to serve people in realising their brilliance. I would be honoured to help guide YOU in this process too.

Below is a list of areas in your life that we can focus on in your sessions. Please select the area which resonates with you the most and click to book in a complimentary discovery call!

I look forward to connecting with you and learning more about you. If you have any questions you’re welcome to send me a direct message here.

Remember, NOW is the greatest moment of all to initiate change and realise your brilliance!

Are you wanting to thrive in multiple areas of your life?

Whether it be health, career, relationships, personal development, spirituality, wealth?

Do you love growing and expanding and are you ready to make this year your best year?

Are you struggling with a number of core things you can’t seem to move past?

Do you feel complacent with your life but feels it needs a revamp?

Maybe you are unsure of where to begin and are feeling lost?

Can you image waking up feeling empowered and truly thriving? Are you ready to uplevel, in all areas of your life? Feeling that sense of clarity of who you are and what you want to achieve and achieving them, having the tools and techniques in your everyday life so you are feeling more aligned and fulfilled.

Are you ready to be the best version of you?

Book a complimentary discovery call and begin your journey of a thriving life!

Are you struggling with personal or business relationships?

Tired of being misunderstood?

Do you find yourself in toxic relationships?

Do you see yourself falling into the same patterns?

Is your energy often drained?

Do you find yourself often in conflict or avoiding others?

Are you wanting to learn more about others and have flourishing relationships personally and professionally?

Can you imagine having amazing relationships personally and professionally?

Saying goodbye to toxic relationships, saying hello to knowing your worth, setting your own boundaries, voicing your truth, and truly thriving in your relationships. Our relationships can have such a big impact on our lives and by creating abundant relationships with ourselves and others, it can dramatically improve our overall wellbeing.

Book a complimentary discovery call and begin your journey in having abundant relationships!

Are you stuck in your comfort zone in your business/career life?

Perhaps you are at a stage of life where you are seeking something else, or more?

Do you want to follow your passions but are afraid to do so?

Are you struggling in making the change in your business/career that you are so wanting?

Or perhaps you are unhappy where you are but unsure of what the next steps are?

Imagine waking up living with excitement for what you do…

…breaking free of the limitations that once held you back in creating that thriving business/career, or having the courage and tools to begin planning your dream future career. Our career life can take up a vast majority of our time, and it can ultimately end up being most of what we experience. You can spend your whole life trying to be someone, trying to achieve, but if your heart isn’t in it and we are just doing it for money or because of expectations of others and society, you may as well give something a go that sets your heart on fire!

Book a complimentary discovery call and begin your journey to the career/business life of your dreams!

When things are going great in life, do you self-sabotage?

Do you often feel not good enough and doubt yourself?

Do you have goals but seem to always get in your own way?

Can you see the potential in others but not yourself?

Do you know there is more to life but can’t move beyond where you currently are?

Do you feel stuck?

Want to better your relationship with self?

Tired of the negative self-talk?

Are you ready to let go of these patterns that are holding you back and truly step into your own power? Are you ready to deepen your relationship with yourself and owning your own worth?

Are you ready to believe in yourself and start truly loving yourself?

Book a complimentary discovery call and begin your journey of Self-Love Mastery!

Tired of being misunderstood?

Pleasing others and putting others before yourself?

Do you hate conflict but want to voice your opinion?

Do you want to feel empowered and get your message across clearly and effectively but don’t know how?

Perhaps nothing you say comes out the way you want it to?

Have you tried multiple ways but nothing seems to work and want to live a more empowered life personally and professionally? Imagine being able to get your message across clearly effectively and being understood?

Want to master your communication in your personal life and business so you can be a better leader and truly excel and thrive?

Book a complimentary discovery call and begin your journey of Mastering your Communication!

Are you struggling with particular physical health issues?

Or is your mind constantly running the show?

Do you have anxiety?
Are you stressed?

Does your mind and body feel disconnected?

Or perhaps your attention is on health concerns?

Imagine living in unity with your mind and body, having a calm mind, a healthy body and freedom and energy to focus on thriving in your life.

It is clear that our mind and physical bodies have a huge influence on how the rest of our life is experienced, and in order to experience true fulfilment and be the best version of ourselves our health is a vital part of the process.

If this sounds like an area you would like to delve into deeper, book a complimentary discovery call and begin your journey to a healthy and vibrant mind and body!

Want some amazing tools to thrive and live your best life?


Get your exclusive Uplift Me eBook, which includes tools and techniques to empower, uplift and enhance your overall well being.

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